What is your monthly budget for lead generation and ads?
What volume of leads do you require each month?
How many web properties do you manage?
How important is integrating philanthropy into your business model?
Would a revenue-sharing model that supports your chosen causes influence your decision?
What best describes the scale at which you operate?
Your recommended membership plan:
Do you want to pick your list(s) on your own or do you need some assistance?
We are new to the Promotional Products industry: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We want the most engaged distributors: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We want to cast the widest possible net: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We only want to reach large distributorships & buying groups: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We need to send out the same art at least once per month: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We care most about reaching the largest audience possible: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We care most about higher click through rates: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We care more about price than results: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We are budget conscious: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
How many products do you sell? Less than 5 Less than 20 Less than 50 More than 50
My product price point(s) change weekly: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We are selling brand names: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We are selling something new: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
We have a story to tell that the industry needs to hear: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree
Distributors can't find my product with any other supplier: Completely agree Slightly agree Slightly disagree Completely disagree